Monday, August 3, 2009

Happenings @ shapeq's house

Last wednesday i woke up to a very bad fever. The night before i had i minor migrain/headache. I thought it was a normal headache and hope that it will be gone the next morning but i was wrong as usual. I woke up and my head was freaking heavy and my body temperature was high. I dont know how much but i know its high :P i couldn't wake up to go to class and dont have the energy to cook breakfast or whatsoever.

I thought it was H1N1 but luckly when i check with the doctor, she said that my blood presure was low and advice me to drink warm 100 plus. EIUW!!. Doesnt taste that good but which medicine taste good right? I couldnt drive back to cheras so my mum picked me up from college on thursday evening. Had to leave my car here all by herself. haih

Friday night i was kinda ok that day and lily came over that night since she's lazy to hang out at college after one whole day jalan2 with nad and ziela at ikea. She stopped by my house with naim and kidnap me to go shisha in ampang. At first i dont wanna go cause when she called me i was already on the bed, resting. But how can i refuse to go out right? So we when anyway. The place was fun. Heard a lot about that strip but didnt have the chance to go there until that night. But the funny thing was, someone got cockoo and i had to drive back. Yes, the sick boy has to drive back. hehehe :D but no worries, its all good.

Lily and naim slept at my place for the first time, heee and we pillow talked till 6 am. Lily surrender first then naim then me. So much for my fever rest. LOL, and since im not that well, sleeping on the floor makes me harder to sleep. Got about 3 hours of sleep, got up and hang out in my moms room to watch some tv. They slept till like 1 something. The plan was to go to college and pick my car with pacad but after lunch both of them continue sleeping suprisingly. even my sister said "kuatnye dieorang tido" and i replied "well, this is what we do most of the time at college" SLEEP!

We went back to college bout 8 something or 9pm. Dengan cari ngv lagi for lily's terano. heh. The fun doesnt end there. We went to trickshot and dinner before we went to shah alam to send naim. With lack of sleep/red eyes, we drove back to cheras and reached home about 4 something. Suprisingly, with all that tiredness, i slept only 5 hours.


Anonymous said...

my god! dgn sakit2 u skali u bawak =.=...

take care of your kesihatan la boy =.= hehehhe...
yea anyways, haihhh, ego, but.. i miss ya lots laaa ^^..


SHAPEQ said...

yes mother..
akan ku jage kesihatan ku...

miss yea too...
susah nak jmp kan sem nie..