Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Selamat berpuasa people!

And thus ramadhan has once again arrive after one long year of eat,smoke and drink freely.
This year of puase is so dull!
As some people know i live all by myself in college and my new housemate balik pun for sleep only.
Then when he wakes up, he went straight to the house infront of mine which most of his friends stayed.
So time berbuka, left me only, all by myself, bukak puase sorang2 :(
so sad right?
but yea, i dont mind la.
mati pun sorang2 kan :P
currently i tak tinggal lagi my puase..
but i think its because i sleep alot..heee
im tired ok from the assignments..

anyways! just to wish all of you guys selamat berpuase..
sorry lambat update..
no internet at kolej and was freaking busy with work :/


so my friend told me that now you have to pay rm60 bucks to have internet. The college will give you the password and username. fuck up tak??..bapak die la!! legenda?...dulu ckp internet free sume free.. now kene bayar..buto ape?..baik aku beli celcom broadband sial!!..expenses lagi.. sian budak2 baru masok..blom pape dah kene bayar..haih..kolej legenda babi!!!

A lot more to do..

Woot woot!!
Im done with 2 assignments!!
Sales planning operation and business strategy
but this is just the beginning.
Next week i got exams pulak..
SPO and BS againnn~
and theres more!!!!!
Quality management and auditing due dates on 14 and 15th september
but thank god this raye i can enjoy without doing any assignments :D

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ups & Downs

Things aren't going so smoothly in life right now. And yet, still a lot of my friends ask me hows life and shit. Well to tell you the truth, its not that good. at one time, im thinking about 3 or 4 things to do. Yes, sometimes i looked happy but honestly im not. There's a lot in my mind now.

Tons of assignments on my table that need to be done, couple of them due next week and college is not helping that much by having problem with the internet connection. I have to wait till i got back to then only i can do my assignments. Yes i can do it with books but sorry, i dont really like to be in the library, staring at all the books just makes me sleepy. Well need to be more discipline with my timing and i bet i can finish it by this sunday. Hopefully.

Theres a lot more but why share if theres no one has the solution. pfft~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MTV world stage

OH-MA-GA!!!!...mtv world stage rock weyh!!...i got the backstage passes and drank beers with tyson ritter. Oh!, he was so funny and cool. Then met with pixie lott, guess what? i taught her how to dance zapin. hahaha, it was fun!!~~ hoobastank rock the stage and we manage to smoke some weed together. GARRRR!!! it was awesome!!

7000 plus show up at sunway lagoon. It was damn pack and the rail dividing the mosh pit pecah okay! but i had a blast!!..

oh wait, scratch that, i mean all of that. hahaha!, i didnt go actually. Well that was the plan but last minute i sold my tickets to someone else. I dont like crowded place and swine flu just make it worst. And someone else didnt go. oh well, thats life. We miss things.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

not yet
maybe soon?
Right now, yea

Sorry merapu, i want to tell people but i dont want to let them know straight away
so they have to figure it out by themselves :D

Quality time with her

Last friday the whole day was spend with my sister. Yea thats her in the picture. I was lazy to go out that day actually but yea i went out anyway with her.

Went to accompany her to service her car and few shopping malls to find her a black short. We went to ampang point first but she didnt found any nice short instead im the one who bought few tshirts. LOL, then we went to nichi and finally found her shorts. chicks! 1 malls isnt enough for them. :P

Then she brought me to the saloon since i wanted to get a hair cut before we went to envie that night :D heee,

Envie was ok to me but the club is fucking cold! Knowing me, i cant stand cold and didnt drink that much cause i have to control my drinking. Dont want to be like before. You dont like me when im drunk. hahaha, After envie, her friends decided to go werners pulak for another round of drinks and different environment/music.

Suprisingly i met my friend there. The funny thing was, i was a bit tipsy that time and couldnt recognize her that time until one of her friend came baru la i prasan who was she. Sorry dear.

Before we went back to cheras, there was a bit drama between my sister and her bf. And there was total awkwardness in the car after that. haih.

Im waiting for the picture from my sisters friend but she hasnt upload it yet. So yea, the picture above is one from my collection. Ill upload the picture some other time yeah?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dilemma lar!

The planned was to apply anywhere in australia for my degree. Yes im considering to continue my degree somewhere in australia. Theres a big chance im gonna take degree in accounting. But suddenly my degreemates has second thoughts on where to continue her study. I dont mind anywhere but as long i go with her. Scared la to go somewhere far from malaysia alone. Im not that independent as some people. hehehe.

Now she has second thoughts where should she go. For me, i just go with her. Penyibuk antarabangsa, yup, thats me :P

My sisters will like if i go to the UK since she studied there before and her husband is from there. But on the other hand, my mum said its kinda expensive there. HAIH!~ oh well, like lily said, just apply everywhere and see where we can go in ;D

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gadoh by komas (2009)

I just watched this movie moments ago and theres a combination of comedy, educational and seriousness in this movie.

This movie is about a gang of student both malay and chinese who have issue with each other. And they always end up punching some one in the face to settle stuff. One of the teachers there invite her old collegemate to teach these students some manners and integration through theater club.

To me its a good movie and funny too. Especially during one part when the teacher asked them to express their hatred. This one guy made me laugh for hours because he said "orang cina makan babi, pengotor, berak tak penah basuh" "bangun pagi, tak mandi pagi. badan bau busuk" HAHAHA!! with his facial expression, i bet ull laugh too.

Its damn funny and yet u can learn something from this movie. At the end, they'll say something what real school did do. If you want to watch it, i can pass you the movie. :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Its a date!! After gazzillions, trillions time canceled with her, we finaly got to meet up after few months of not seeing each other. The last time i met her it was at sunburst but thats doesnt consider as meeting her. It was unintentionaly.

Before the date i was hanging out pacad after i sent my dad to his place in pandan indah. Thats another drama im gonna tell some other time :P Was hang out with pacad since 4 till 7 with some other folks. My timing wasnt that great, got home at 7 and my isnt back yet from buying my dinner. Shower and iron my-hard-to-iron shirt and after 20 minutes of ironing, finally most of the wrinkles has gone. Asking a men to do a womens job, thats what happen. hahaha

Arrive at her place at 8 something and straight to one utama. The plan was to watch movie at the earliest time since she got curfew at 11. DAMN! We got infront of the line and wanted to watch the proposal but the seats available is right infront of the screen, setem on the other hand, well, you could say that its not our kinda movie. LOL, Then theres overheard. Some chinese movie, Lagi la kite taknak tengok. We end up ditching movie and went scouting for food. I wanted to go secret recipe but she said theres this nice place somewhere in the old wing but i dont know what happen but we couldnt find the restaurant. Then its back to plan A which is eating at secret recipe but it was 9 something already and the guy said that we could only take away. HAIH!

Wait!, theres more, she wanted to buy cream puff but unfortunately the lady said the puff baru je habis. And theres only coronet but its slightly different from cream puff. TAKNAK! On the way back to the carpark we bought baskin robbin. Before we can reach the car park, the guard said that the escalator is closed and we have to use the lift to go to the carpark. MORE TURN OFF!

We end up in uptown eating sotong kangkung and kuey toew goreng kerang. HAHAHA, its a funny day for me and for her as well. What we planned all didnt go so well. But there was alternative to all the things its just that we're a bit picky sometime. Yes we are FF :)

It was a fun day because we did all the unplanned things. And all unplanned things leads to fun fun and more fun.

Now i have excuse to go out with her again since we didnt have the chance to watch movie yesterday. see you soon :)

Damn you ants!

I just got back from cheras an hour ago.
I think theres ants in my laptop!!..
Typing then it'll come out one by one..
My common solution?
not gonna use shieldtox but instead...
I take them and roll them to and throw them in the dust bin :D
Waiting for more to come out..
ngeeee :D
Im waiting for u antssss~~~~

Monday, August 3, 2009

Happenings @ shapeq's house

Last wednesday i woke up to a very bad fever. The night before i had i minor migrain/headache. I thought it was a normal headache and hope that it will be gone the next morning but i was wrong as usual. I woke up and my head was freaking heavy and my body temperature was high. I dont know how much but i know its high :P i couldn't wake up to go to class and dont have the energy to cook breakfast or whatsoever.

I thought it was H1N1 but luckly when i check with the doctor, she said that my blood presure was low and advice me to drink warm 100 plus. EIUW!!. Doesnt taste that good but which medicine taste good right? I couldnt drive back to cheras so my mum picked me up from college on thursday evening. Had to leave my car here all by herself. haih

Friday night i was kinda ok that day and lily came over that night since she's lazy to hang out at college after one whole day jalan2 with nad and ziela at ikea. She stopped by my house with naim and kidnap me to go shisha in ampang. At first i dont wanna go cause when she called me i was already on the bed, resting. But how can i refuse to go out right? So we when anyway. The place was fun. Heard a lot about that strip but didnt have the chance to go there until that night. But the funny thing was, someone got cockoo and i had to drive back. Yes, the sick boy has to drive back. hehehe :D but no worries, its all good.

Lily and naim slept at my place for the first time, heee and we pillow talked till 6 am. Lily surrender first then naim then me. So much for my fever rest. LOL, and since im not that well, sleeping on the floor makes me harder to sleep. Got about 3 hours of sleep, got up and hang out in my moms room to watch some tv. They slept till like 1 something. The plan was to go to college and pick my car with pacad but after lunch both of them continue sleeping suprisingly. even my sister said "kuatnye dieorang tido" and i replied "well, this is what we do most of the time at college" SLEEP!

We went back to college bout 8 something or 9pm. Dengan cari ngv lagi for lily's terano. heh. The fun doesnt end there. We went to trickshot and dinner before we went to shah alam to send naim. With lack of sleep/red eyes, we drove back to cheras and reached home about 4 something. Suprisingly, with all that tiredness, i slept only 5 hours.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sorry x10

Im sorry readers for not updating my blog that often. Its not that i dont want, i have the idea in my head but just when i wanna type in, *poof* i forgot what to write about. Maybe its because i barely sign in in my blog. Oh well, August just started and i always update my blog early of the month :P

So wait for my gossips, drama and useless stuff..
