Well, he didnt say like that, im just exaggerating it. Hehehe, but somehow it makes me feel kinda good that he really have the courtesy to go through all the trouble to give me the money (the trouble was banking in the money) but still, before this hes not like this. I have to go to his house to meet him and have some meaningless conversation for half an hour, get the money and get out.
He called me the next day and said that he banked in the money already and he still got time to kid around with me. That was like the first time he did that since god knows when. I know its a small thing but me and my dad hardly have a proper conversation and to kidding around with him is impossible. Its not that hes strict or whatsoever, hes just to straight forward sometimes. I hope he change from now on, i liked the guy i talked to on the phone the other. Hes different :)
"I was dissapointed u chose that decision but i miss u"
sometimes, small things like this are big. =)
yup2..i feel u lily Z
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