Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Insomnia Attacks~~

Haiya! i cant get any good time sleep nowadays and in the future i guess?. I dont know why i have trouble sleeping at night. I envy my roomate and caped. Once they got their self on the bed, terus zzzzz. Thats fucking unfair! why cant i be like that?

When i cant sleep, i cant get up for class the next day. When i dont go to class, ill flung my class just like that. gggrrrr~~~ Sometimes, if i sleep later than my roomate, i have to bare the snores that my roomate is making but after two years sleeping with him, i think im imune to it already and sometimes i laugh all by myself just listening to his snoring orchestra. LOL :P

Im having headaches now and i couldnt sleep! i wanna wake up early tomorow, need to study for the quiz Mrs ng giving us. If only i can sleep easily. Now i dont know what to do. Call someone? hello!, its 2.50 in the am!! nak kene maki? *sigh*

"Go away insomnia, GO!!!~~"

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