And thus ramadhan has once again arrive after one long year of eat,smoke and drink freely.
This year of puase is so dull!
As some people know i live all by myself in college and my new housemate balik pun for sleep only.
Then when he wakes up, he went straight to the house infront of mine which most of his friends stayed.
So time berbuka, left me only, all by myself, bukak puase sorang2 :(
so sad right?
but yea, i dont mind la.
mati pun sorang2 kan :P
currently i tak tinggal lagi my puase..
but i think its because i sleep alot..heee
im tired ok from the assignments..
anyways! just to wish all of you guys selamat berpuase..
sorry lambat update..
no internet at kolej and was freaking busy with work :/
This year of puase is so dull!
As some people know i live all by myself in college and my new housemate balik pun for sleep only.
Then when he wakes up, he went straight to the house infront of mine which most of his friends stayed.
So time berbuka, left me only, all by myself, bukak puase sorang2 :(
so sad right?
but yea, i dont mind la.
mati pun sorang2 kan :P
currently i tak tinggal lagi my puase..
but i think its because i sleep alot..heee
im tired ok from the assignments..
anyways! just to wish all of you guys selamat berpuase..
sorry lambat update..
no internet at kolej and was freaking busy with work :/