Saturday, September 6, 2008

Foosball Mania

I was bored at home and my ciggies was almost empty in that little red box with a hawk on it. So took my mom's car keys and went out to 7-Eleven to reload my ciggies. Huhu, messaged pacad:

Me: ko katner??..tak blik ke?
Pacad: aku kat ts..overnite kat sini
Me: ko ngan sape??
Pacad: aku,meme,pojie,man ngan nana
Me: korg watpe lepas nie??
Pacad: tgk wayang midnite
Me: ceh, engat nak turun sane jap..takpe la then
Pacad: wayang abis kul 2..dtg la pastu?

I didn't reply coz i know im not going there. Then called Mr fatcat:

Me: ko katner?
Fatcat: aku kat ac smpi tp nak kene antar dzapp balik b4 kul1
Me: tak ajak siot!..tunggu la aku nak dtg gak..bosan nie!
Fatcat: cpt skit!
Me: jap la..nak kene antar mcd kat mak aku dulu.
Fatcat: tak abis2 ngan mcd..bawak aku skit..HAHAHA

Then i hang up. So went back home and pass the Mcd to my mum and off to asia cafe. The trip took me 20 minutes to reach there from cheras. I didn't know how fast i was driving but i reach there right? Played a few game of foosball. FEW???..i spent 10, harris spent 10 and naim spent 20 on foosball!!!..Damn!..Might as well we just play pool, it is so worth it than pool. Well thats what i think :P From 12 to 3 its all foosball for us. And naim is getting better at foosball. His damn good now you know!!

Bored of foosball, we went to e.n.s to grab some quick sahur, well for naim i guess me and harris just ordered nescafe ice and limau ice. And guess what? Naim went to genting for merdeka and ditch us at asia cafe(ac). Assignment ye bang?? Gossip bout lily's secret admire(faliq) Damn funny man that guy. Poor you faliq :D Then out of no where, naim said something:

Fatcat: jom la balik, eh baru kul 3.30..awal lagi
Fatcat: kl jom shapeq?
Me: what?!!..kpale otak ko??..aku nak balik mandi wajib la!!!
Me: kang sahur tak sempat.
Fatcat: jom la!!..leh jmp pacad kat sane.
Me: huh, jom la then.

Guess what? From subang we dash off to Bukit Bintang to meet up with pacad and his geng of overniters. Chat2 suddenly i accidentally fart in the Mcdonalds. HAHAHAHA, and its smell was sooooooo~~ lovely to me but soooo~~ busuk to them. WAKAKA, even the staff there smell it and straight went downstairs. I guess he couldn't stand the smell. Oh well, lily and the others could. Kan kawan2? So lepaking there for about 1 hour and finally i get to go home and mandi wajib. My sister face was full with blurry. She asked, why did i shower so early. And my answer to cover it up: oh i played football at my friends house. I know! Its kinda stupid right? But hey, i think they all believe me.

PS: Its only the fifth day of fasting month and i didn't fast yesterday. Kesangapan rokok melandaku! Sorry to who it may concern. I will try my best next time to tahan kesangapan rokokku. Will hide my ciggies somewhere so i won't feel like smoking :) Puase ye and remember! NO CHEATING!!!

Thats all dudes and dudettes

Peace out!

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